Sense leaving Minnesota in 2004 to live a life in the mountains, I had to re-train myself on survival skills that would keep my wife, kids, myself and our dogs safe. Other than just cold weather skills, I had to address the fact that conditions in the mountains can turn very quickly, going from absorbing and sunny to foggy and rainy within minutes.
Every time we hike into the mountains, no matter how close or far away from home we go, we all the time take our survival kits. Your survival kits should be waterproof, Durable, easy to carry and can be attached surely to your body.
In your survival kit you should have:
1. A good first-aid kit (more info later in article)
2. Water purification
3. Fire starting (matches in waterproof container, lighter, magnifying glass and I even bring a newspaper to make starting a fire easier)
4. Security materials (tarps, heavy duty stakes and heavy duty cord)
5. Mirror and whistle (use the sun to help you signal planes, people).
6. All purpose tool
7. Waterproof poncho
8. Compass, Gps and know how to use them!
9. Fishing line and hooks.
10. Flashlight, candle
11. Bear spray
12. A good knife
13. Needle and thread.
14. Solar blanket
15. Chap stick
16. Hand and foot warmers.
17. Coleman 5-peace mess kit. (includes 8 oz cup, 7" fry pan, 16 oz. Pot with lid and 2.5" deep-dish plate.
18. Condoms (to store and vehicle water)
19. I also carry a gun, preferably.45 and up, I take a S&W 460 handgun. (Honestly it's a good idea to use bear spray on black bears, grizzly and mountain lions. I don't know to many people who are fast sufficient and strict sufficient to get a kill shot off).
20. Food, we all the time take a couple of power bars, beef jerky and nuts.
21. Cold weather clothing
I store all my survival items, with the irregularity of the bear spray in a back pack. It is easy to carry over long distances and everything fits nice and snug. If things start to get a little wet I place the backpack in a plastic garbage bag. The bear spray, of policy is on my belt.
Before you head into the wilderness, it's all the time a good idea to plan your trip and stick to it. Don't go alone, all the time go in groups of two or more and check to see what the weather is going to be like. Let people know where you will be going and when you will be back.
Also, be realistic. Know what kind of shape you are in and don't over exert yourself. Exercise is great but having to have people carry you out of the mountains can be a little embarrassing and inconvenient for your fellow hikers. No one wants to be remembered as "Mountain Rescue".
Always wear the allowable clothing for the time of year your mountain journey takes place. Remember that the higher altitudes you reach, the colder it will get and "wind" can be a real factor. Pack extra hats and gloves and keep yourself dry.
Know how to build a fire! If you have any questions on how to do so, I wrote an report "The Art of starting a Campfire - for cooking, heat or telling stories". It will tell you step by step how to start a fire on the first exertion every time.
More on the content of your first-aid kit. This is what we carry:
1. Bandages
2. Antibiotic ointment
3. Gauze pads
4. Alcohol pads
5. Butterfly bandages
6. Iodine pads
7. Curative adhesive tape
8. Aspirin
9. Antibiotic ointment
10. Large adhesive bandages
11. Ace bandages
12. Gauze
13. Tweezers
14. Scissors
15. Separate sizes of sterile pads
16. Burn medication
17. Sun screen
18. Eye drops
19. Diarrhea medication
20. Hydrogen peroxide
21. First aid instructions
Encounters with animals, even though rare, does happen. In the area we live there are black bears, grizzly bears, mountain lions, wolves and coyotes. I believe that bear spray is the best defense over a firearm to conduct an attach of any kind.
I am not an devotee when it comes to animal attacks, the biggest thing that has chased me is a prairie dog and I ran. I have encountered many black bear and a couple of grizzly but have never had any question with them. I all the time keep making noise, giving the dogs Separate commands and just talking loudly to make sure everything in the woods knows I'm there. If you want good data that is useful, go to the State Fish, Wildlife & Parks Department, they have some great info.
One thing I know for confident is that when you are hiking, a mountain lion will approximately all the time try and pick off the last person in line. As the protector in our house it is my accountability to be the last one in line, with my wife in front of me and than the kids. Also, stay fairly close together and all the time know where each other is.
Make sure, if you have dogs, that they are well trained and listen to your commands. If not, keep them on a leash because you don't want your dog getting a bear or mountain lion agitated and in attack mode.
Two books that I keep on hand in case of emergency are "Where There Is No Dentist" by Murray Dickson and "Where there is no doctor: a settlement condition care handbook I" by David Werner. It may seem like over kill but when you are in pain the first thing you want is to ease it.
When quick Security is needed a Lean-To is all the time quick and easy. All you need are two trees, some heavy duty cord, some heavy duty stakes and a tarp. Check the direction of the wind, all the time face the back of your lean-to into the wind.
Stake the lowest of your lean-to to the ground into the wind. Attach the heavy duty cord to the front two corners of the tarp and tie off about waist high to the trees. Line the floor of your lean-to with leaves, grass and pine needles to keep the cold from the earth coming in touch with your body.
For extra protection from wind and rain, find items you can place on the sides of your lean-to such as downed branches, logs and anything else you can find. For extra stability you can place a tree branch from the ground and up to the tarp, tying off the top of the branch and tarp to the ground in front of the lean-to.
There is all the time the possibility of things going wrong out in the wilderness but these few steps have helped to keep my house safe while enjoying the attractiveness of the mountains.
Basic Survival Tips - retention Yourself Safe in the Mountains
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